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Jhola Pustakalay

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Jhola Pustakalay

In the geography where we work most children are first-time schoolgoers which makes it essential to provide learning support beyond school if we must achieve the academic outcomes. Thus, we initiated a community library that caters to all the children in the community by providing access to quality literature and trained language educators who facilitate language activities after school hours.

The youth educators are identified from the same villages/community as they understand the context better and can contribute to the needs of the children meaningfully. They are trained and provided with resources like curated children's literature, stationaries, and classroom materials to run sessions for groups of children.

  • Engaging children with quality literature – Weekly students are given opportunities for independent reading, storytelling sessions, reading aloud sessions and library activities are facilitated.
  • Developing Youth Leadership - Identify and train the community youth to be educators who can take sessions with children.
  • Monthly Parents meetings - Conduct meetings with parents to discuss their children's progress in learning outcomes.

    Instructional Hours




